Setting up your garden for summer

With some nice weather on its way many people are starting to think more and more about their gardens. You will want to make sure that your garden is ready for when you want to invite people over or if you want to have a BBQ with your family. The first thing to do is weeding. Wedding can make a huge difference to a garden. You should also cut back any bushes or trees that have grown too far over in to the garden or that are blocking too much of the light from coming through. Although tis may look like a massive task it often isn’t and once you have started usually doesn’t take long to complete.

If you have children then you may want to set up areas for them to have their toys in. You also may want to set up a paddling pool or sand pit. You need to think about where the shade is and where the sun will be at different points during the day. You may want the paddling pool to be in the sun during the early part of the day to warm it up then in the shade in the afternoon to keep them safe when the sun might be at its hottest.